014 - BIP39 and bitGANs

While unclear how they are related, the bitGANS appear to have a close relationship with the BIP39 standard. Crypto wallets that utilize the BIP39 standard will have a seed phrase using only words from it’s wordlist which contains 2048 words.

So what does this have to to with the bitGANs?

We don’t know yet, but we have observed some patterns. Each has a BIP39 word in their essence property. And sometimes the word matches the nature of the bitGAN itself, like the Bird monsterGAN or Taco Cat. But more often there is no association. The BIP39 words work more like a unique identifier, which is the primary reason we think there will only ever be 2048 bitGANs, one for each BIP39 word in their essence property. But I am beginning to wonder if their essence is just a distraction.

I think they hide their true BIP39 nature elsewhere?

UPDATE 1/5/2022 - Fourth and Final Clue…

The three clues to date are:

1: The seed phrase and its order is hidden in the 92 bitGANs of the Solstice Drop.

2: It begins with sunrise, and it ends with sunset.

3: Their essence is just a distraction, they hide their true BIP39 nature elsewhere.

For clarification on this, the final clue.

4: It begins with sunrise and it ends with sunset… everything else is in between.


015 - bitGANs on arweave


013 - Seasonal Patterns