The bitGANs?

Shortly after the painting appeared on my robot, the NFT appeared in my cryptovoxels gallery, and it was from here it would begin it’

s communications.


As I have mentioned, I do not know how we talked, just that I understood it. The Prime nounGAN told me it went by many names and was from many dimensions.

I asked if I had just witnessed it’s birth, and it conveyed that it was not his birth, but it’s materialization.

So then I asked it’s age and it responded that time was just another dimension that it travelled through. This didn’t really answer my question, but before I could follow up it started sending strong thoughts into my head. What do I mean by strong thoughts? Impossible to describe, but you can find out yourself by visiting the cryptovoxels parcel yourself and staring into it’s shifting eyes.,96N

Anyways the thoughts it sent me told of a coming catastrophe. It was revealed that while the catastrophe could not be prevented, the human race could be protected from it. It also conveyed that the nonGANs were only the first bitGANs to attempt to come help the humans and that many more would follow. Each tribe would have it’s purpose and that purpose would be revealed over time. Before the thoughts got too strong for me images of skulls started flashing through my mind and the communication broke off…

I have returned to look at the Prime nounGAN many times, but each time it just repeats the same thoughts, on a loop, ad infinitum. I am not sure time works for it the same way it works for us.

What are the bitGANs? When will more of them come? What will the look like?

So many questions.


A Glitch


The Prime