podGALLERY puzzle?

A new podGallery has popped up near the center of SomniumSpace.

...and in the gallery, all 6 owner organized pods appeared.

At around the exact same time, a new wallet appeared with 2 podGANs at 0xD5eaB3E6266087C36b35fbddaDA201e4856c2F0c.

I can’t help but feel that the podGALLERY and new wallet are related.

Wonder if the keys to this wallet are in that SomniumSpace Parcel?

You can visit SomniumSpace Parcel 2078 in SomniumSpace for best resolution and animations. However, you can also reach it in a web browser here: https://somniumspace.com/parcel/2078

Good luck...

Fine Print:

Introducing the @noohp and @Mazzone11 Rule: 2 podGANs are in the wallet - If @noohp and @Mazzone11 solve this puzzle, or should I say WHEN noohp and Mazzone11 solve this puzzle, I ask that they only take one of the podGANs and leave the other podGAN for the person that figures this out second. If it remains unsolved by second person until Dec 31, 2021, however, noohp and Mazzone11 will be free to take second podGAN.


podGallery Solution


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