The Drop
All the skullGANs and some other weird varieties of GANs have fully formed and are now attempting to get into my Metamask wallet. I am trying to talk to them, to ask them why they are here and what they want, but they are ignoring me.
Dozens of command prompts have filled my screen, each cycling through seed phrases faster than my eyes can follow in what looks like a brute force attack to unlock my private keys. My GPUs are spinning full speed, almost smoking, but I doubt they are running neural nets right now, looks more like they are trying to hack my wallet.
Luckily it will take them more time than is left in the universe to hack my keys…
This just appeared in my twitter feed, and I just got an email from SuperRare congratulating me on minting a new token.
Whatever this skullGAN is, the second it appeared, all the command prompts stopped cycling through seed phrases and, well, and I think it cracked my wallet, and twitter account, and god knows what else…
Here is link to SuperRare and it’s description -
AI Imagined bitGAN (6 of 10) (0 of 128)
The skullGANs came first. However, before the first, after the last, and across every possibility is the Pandimensional skullGAN. The Pandimensional skullGAN exists in all dimensions, before and after time, inside and outside of space. This piece is the 6th work in the ongoing AI Imagined Portrait Series on SuperRare and the 0th bitGAN, before and after all other bitGANs.
Now I am getting notifications from OpenSea congratulating me on a new collection...
what has it unleased…
(Full details of drop here August Drop)