What have we done?
It would appear we have been tricked!
At this time we have no idea if this was initiated by the bitGANs, or the podGANs, or even something else.
But whatever the cause, the bitGALLERY forge was hacked to open up a portal into an alternate dimension. And then clues were left that tricked us into letting 1024 podGANs through it.
We should have see the warning signs and not messed with the portals. We should have ignored the clues. Why did we let our curiosity get the better of us?
The clues told us
and when we did it took us to a corner of the META Gallery: (congrats to noohp for leading the way.)
Where a small undescript portal released the podGANs!
9 of them revealed themselves on the other side of this portal, though it’s clear there are more, many more by all indications.
And just when things were settling down, the portals exploded and three appeared in the bitGALLERY!
Now that the podGANs are out, there is no way to bottle them back up. They are in our universe now and we can only hope that it is not for nefarious reasons.
So many questions.
Why are they here? We still haven’t figured out why the bitGANs came!
Did the bitGANs bring them, or did they bring themselves?
Friend or foe?
Join us for the Alpha Brain Drop on November 15th to see more of these mysterious creatures.
Will be interesting to learn more about them once all 1024 are revealed.
3PM EST Novemeber 15th on Brain Drops.