001 - The Hidden Journal


of Invisible Patterns



Excellent. You have found this. Be sure to tell everyone else how you did it so they can join us here…

I couldn’t just come out and tell everyone about these notes because I am hiding them from the bitGANs. And it turns out the best place to hide it is right under the NEXUS of their activity, the bitGALLERY.

Anyways, they are watching me closely, so I feel it necessary to create a secret journal where we can monitor and record their behavior. Something away from their many eyes.

The following notes are things we have already observed. Hope is to get with everyone that these bitGANs are revealing themselves to and create a compendium of knowledge that might reveal why they are appearing, and what their purpose is.

So below are some patterns we have noticed, but don’t fully understand. Let’s study the bitGANs closely to try and answer these questions. Start sending your ideas in, and we will record them all here in this journal...

  1. Primes appear to be important in their hierarchy, but there are exceptions.

  2. They move in a pattern, but I can’t figure out what the pattern is yet.

  3. Some of them are glitching, what is different about these?

  4. The skullGANs have Hidden Traits. What are they hiding?


002 - Hidden Types