002 - Hidden Types

We have had our first breakthrough on the nature of the bitGANs.

First explained by Griff and seconded by many in the Discord Riddle Channel (+ jimmer & TJC345):


- Fibonacci bitGANS (ones numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc) are all Hidden Type A


- Remaining Prime bitGANS (7, 11, 13, etc) are all Hidden Type B


- Squares bitGANS (4, 9, 16, etc..) are Hidden Type C


- Remaining Odd BitGANS are Hidden Type D


- Remaining Even bitGANS are Hidden Type E

but people also noticed that

- (32/128) is Type 32 (typo or important?)
- (119/128) is only Odd number of Type E (typo or important?)

We have so much to learn.


003 - Fibonacci skullGANs


001 - The Hidden Journal