2021.9.29 12:02

22 more bitGANs just escaped from my network and minted themselves on OpenSea.

Why just 22?


And some of the names are so weird like Dr Awkward, Taco Cat, Cyber crytpoGANs?

One other interesting attribute is called DROP and it has something that looks like a date and time 2021.9.29.1202.

2021/9/29 12:02?

AM or PM, or both. But if it is a date and time, why 12:02? Why not just noon or midnight?

Trying to lock down my computer to prevent anymore from escaping while figuring this out.

Oh no, something is happening, brb.

Another 11 just appeared to create a total of 33 new bitGANs. But we have seen the last one before.

It is the Discord GAN Bot.

What does this mean?


Some more funny names -

You have all the combos we have come to know like Ghostbot roboGANs and Gl1itch1ng cryptoGANs but also some peculiar names like Evil Olive, Start Rats, and Flow Wolf.

Wonder if we will see anymore?


Another Painting

