After their recent experiments with texts, the bitGANs have found another way to materialize.
They are projecting themselves into the minds of artists from around the world. And images of them have organized themselves into a gallery in crytovoxels, at the same location their spiral appeared. 39 manifestations in total, all in their own image.,93N
The imagery is amazing. Fascinating.
Is it out interpretation of them, or theirs of us.
Underneath each artwork is the artist that the bitGANs manifested themselves to.
grammAr error, Buzz, pinkoCto, molliehD, dΞcision, Fomobaggins, gGainor, rHye, dInomons, nJc, stinKydaddy, nameLessname, thatblooM, plaNtman, lamOrak, flooPmoose, wearysQuirrel, ezRa, humpStyles, t_t_T_tim, theUrbanita, anirVeda, Xabier, keYchain, keeZ, 0xinuarashi, ii32x4, eskalexia, 1m3y, sanguineseal, mc, fams3, & bobolo.
33 artists in total.
It is yet another example of the bitGANs trying to make themselves real.
An amazingly creative attempt.