byteGANs on SuperRare
The 100% on-chain byteGANs have arrived at SuperRare - the birthplace of cryptoArt.
It’s my 5 year anniversary on SuperRare and I am excited to announce that they now feature byteGANs. Am excited about this not just because it is the coolest place to have listings, but because I am going to try out a bunch of new incentives to get people to trade their byteGANs on SuperRare.
The first is that I have listed 8 of my own byteGANs. Yes, they are well above floor, but thats because I don’t compete with my own collectors, and they come with some cool features. First is that…
Anyone that buys one listed by me on SuperRare will get a hand painted triptych of their new purchase and 2 other byteGANs.
These are museum quality paintings, each a hand signed collaboration between me and one of my robots. While I can’t go into details yet, their are two New York Galleries committed to showing these over the next year, as well as another two in London, and one in Paris. I plan on spending rest of the year making many many byteGAN physicals for live exhibitions. Their will only ever be 1,111 byteGANs and 11 byteGAN 1/1s, but I will continue to produce hand painting physicals as needed for exhibitions.
The second cool thing is that…
This isn’t for profit. I will then use 100% of the proceeds to sweep the byteGAN floor and list them as new physicals on SuperRare.
Rinse, lather, repeat…
Who knows if this will have any effect on the collection, but I think its a way to reward the art lovers out there. Anyone that really wants a physical will be able to get one, and in doing so will help raise the floor for all the other byteGAN collectors that are happy with their on-chain byteGANs.
Thank you to everyone that has made everything possible over last 5 years, especially SuperRare.