byteGAN Sets
The following chart was just revealed by the byteGANs. They haven’t given up all their secrets as can be seen by the question marks, but with some digging, a pattern was discovered.
We think they are telling us how to make sets.
We know that the skullGANs, cyberGANs, and octoGANs represent the three intelligences: evolutionary, artificial, and decentralized. From the colors and how they are mixed in the ring around them, it looks like the mutated byteGANs coming out of The Crucible are hybrids of two of the intelligence types. Also it would appear that the more rare byteGANs can even have aspects of all three intelligences.
As for the six rows on the right. The leading theory is that the byteGANs are showing us how to make sets. Each row contains:
1: three different byteGAN forms
2: with at least one of each intelligence type
I wonder what would happen if people were to begin collecting these triptychs?