
The bitGANs have created themselves in the likeness of four more cryptoArtists. Each a big influence on their creation. - StellaBelle, Colborn, SuperRareRoses and Brinkman -

The first three have already adopted their new owners. But the final cryptoArtGAN, has disappeared into a new mystery wallet at:

As far as cracking the wallet holding the Magic Internet moneyGAN. This one will be extremely hard, probably harder than all previous bitGAN puzzles.

Only 1 clue will ever be given, even if this takes over a year to solve. So advanced warning that this is much harder than any of the previous puzzles, including the one that took a month to solve by the entire discord. Please budget your time and expectations appropriately because no clues beyond this first one will ever be given out.

The Act 1 Puzzle:
The seed phrase is 11 glitches ending with a random word.


1,000 ETH in Volume


32 for 22 for 2022