Pattern Revealed

The pattern behind the latest drop has been revealed and the 2 trapped bitGANs have been freed. Congrats to unevenly_distributed for finding the hidden seed phrase to the wallet trapping them.

Here is how bitGANs hid the seed phrase. Their nature was seasonal, so it was all in the date properties.

If you looked at nothing but the date property, you could find 12 seeds words, some hidden and others in plain sight.

The first 2 seed phrases were in plain site, “day” and “night.”

Then 4 were hidden in a date. Each of the cryptoArtistGANs had a date that fell on either and equinox or solstice and represented “spring”, “summer”, “autumn”, and “winter.”

And the next 6 were hidden in plain sight as the 6 months that are also bip39 words, “february”, “march”, “april”, “august”, “october”, and “december.”

And finally, their order was according to mint order. So if you lined up all the relevant seed words and read down the list you would get the final seed phrase which was...

day spring march april august summer october autumn december winter february night

Once again, congrats to entire community for figuring out parts of this complex puzzle and to unevenly_distributed for putting all the pieces together.


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The Pattern Search