An Invasion!

Reports from Miami confirm what we have all suspected.

This is most definitely an invasion.

The podGANs are here and their goal is clear - they want to be seen...

and tonight in Miami starting at 7pm you will be able to see them on the #SuperRareMonolith at 150 East Flagler Street.

But this Invasion goes beyond Miami Art Week

There are already reports that they will be invading Cannes, France in Feburary. Then San Francisco, USA in March. And there are murmurs of many other exhibitions and appearances in the works.

And then I got thinking, their intentions are benevolent enough, so why don’t we help!


Announcing The Ultimate podGAN Puzzle

For the year 2022, the puzzle is simple.

Find ways to get podGANs on as many digital displays in as many prominent places as possible, then safely & legally document it, with an emphasis on SAFELY. I will be doing my part to encourage your solutions it by creating a series of prizes for anyone that participates.

The prizes will depend on the magnitude and impact of the podGAN appearance.

For Example: (Prizes are just examples and still being finalized)

  • Send in a video of your podGAN on your large screen television, and I’ll send you a postcard. Already saw one today on twitter.

  • Get them to appear on the big screen at a major sporting venue, and I might send you limited edition podGAN stickers.

  • Arrange and document their appearance at somewhere like Times Square or Shibuya Crossing, and I might send you a limited edition print.

  • Project a podGAN onto the Moon for the whole world to see, and I would definitely commemorate the event with an original robot painting. I am betting noohp and Mazzone11 have this one figured out by New Years.

Word has it that even the bitGANs want to help out!

They have told me that extraordinary solutions will guarantee you a reservation by bumping you to the front of the bitGAN waiting (which is now over 2000 wallets long.) - For example, in appreciation of their help with getting them on the #SuperRareMonolith, a bitGAN from next drop will be reserved for both blu30rgy & o-townmushroom! The first two to solve this puzzle.

So even though there will be many rewards for the individual efforts of getting these podGANs seen, All The Digital Files for each appearance will be shared with the entire community - starting with the High-Definition mp4 file that appeared in Miami, which you can download here.

Looking forward to a year of helping the podGANs be seen by as many eyes as possible. The more creative the appearance the cooler, and definitely team up with friends and pod-mates to make some cool appearances.

Also, we will definitely come up with some kind of leaderboard for things like most seen podGAN, or most seen pod. I don’t know specifics around this yet though cause most the awesome ideas come from community members and I want to hear what you all think. In fact, the idea for this campaign itself was born in late night zoom talk with fellow podGAN owner that prefers anonymity for now. So I can’t wait to see what we come up with.

Should be fun and tell me if there is any way I can help you with the invasion!

And oh yeah, if you don’t already have a podGAN, you can get one here on BrainDrops.


The Winter Solstice


An Invasion?