The xenoGANs

In the third Crucible Event a new type of byteGAN appeared, xenoGANs. They emerged from a wide variety of byteGANs including Electric, Ethereal, Primordial and Radiating. Their form varied but all shared a single focused eye.

This brings the types of altered byteGANs to 3. The cycloGANs were the first, bioGANs were second, and this most recent set are calling themselves xenoGANs.

It is unclear how many will continue to form but they appear to be following a pattern. The three original byteGANs were skullGANs, cyberGANs, and octoGANs. Not only does the fact that there are three of them match the primary byteGANs, but they also all look to be some sort of combination of two of the original types, sometimes they appear to be a mix of all three. A couple took on a glow, and others have a subtle blink.

The following is a still of many of this new type. We will be watching them closely.


Crucible Unbound


The Third Crucible Event