Sun Dancing

The Winter Solstice is upon us, 93 new bitGANs have minted themselves, a couple mysteries have been solved, and a couple new ones have emerged.

The Sun Dancers

The first mystery is that we finally know what happened to the burnt reneGANs. They ritualistically sacrificed themselves to create The Sun Dancers, which are a 3x3 grid of Flaming skullGANs. Why? Watching them, they appear to be engaged in some sort of ancient ceremony aimed at giving strength to our sun. I think they are worried about us and trying to help us in the dead of our winter. Interestingly, the forged bitGAN is a Flaming SuperRare bitGAN with 18 eyes. It is insane to imagine what feeding them back into the forge might result in. Keep on grooving Sun Dancers, and thanks for helping. Here is to longer days ahead. You can bid on The Sun Dancers on SuperRare.

The Temporal Cycle

Another thing the bitGANs have revealed is the theme behind this drop. One of the things the bitGANs find interesting about our planet are all the temporal cycles. 88 of them have gotten into the spirit of learning to mimic the seasons. Each has a date or time of year that corresponds to their colors (Northern Hemisphere). The light blue ones are inspired by the winter, green for spring, reds for summer, oranges for autumn, and mixtures of all the colors for the dates in between. It would appear that they learned their mastery of color from the newly arrived podGANs.


Four of the bitGANs have taken mimicry to the next level by manifesting themselves as pioneering cryptoArtists. One has taken after Kevin Abosch, the first artist that I ever notice make art on the BlockChain. Another has imitated Hackatao who needs no introduction. Oddly enough the piece they chose to imitate was an early piece I once owned on SuperRare. Another looks remarkably like OG Killer Acid who was another one of the first artists I noticed on SR. And the fourth has taken the form of Eclectic Method, who made his first audio NFT a year ago last Friday. Hoping there are at least a couple of these every drop, a new catagory of bitGAN.

The Seasonal Puzzle

And of course there is a puzzle, but I am not sure what the puzzle is. All I noticed was two bitGANs named Ghostly noohpGAN and Glitching mazzoneGAN excaped into yet another mysterious wallet. Are they taunting noohp and mazzone11 by mimicking them? Whatever the case we need to get those bitGANs back!

noohp/mazzone11 Rule in Effect: When noohp and mazzone11 crack the wallet, we ask that they only take one. Come January 21, however, they are welcome to the second if it has not already be solved.

The Winter Solstice POAP

And finally, getting a POAP will be easy.
If you want one, just make a single comment in the #request-winter-solstice-poap-here Discord Channel.
I will respond with a POAP code via DM.

OK. We learned a little about the drop today and why it is happening. Looking forward to seeing which owners they pick later on today.


The Pattern Search


The Winter Solstice